Increase Board Engagement and Accountability with an Engagement Matrix
Date & Time
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Marnie Jensen - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Nichole Turgeon - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Nichole Turgeon - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands

Are you struggling with board engagement? Not sure how to harness the potential of your board members? Want to know how to engage your board with DEI work in a meaningful and authentic way? This session will tell you how Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands has begun to do all of those things. You will hear from the Board Chair and the CEO about how the board restructured individual board member accountability with an all-new Engagement Matrix in 2022. The new matrix reflects a focus on all aspects of engagement equally, created a new category of DEI-focused engagement, and centers our Board engagement on all contributions with DEI and community connection embedded into every part of Board engagement.
Session PowerPoint
Session Assets
Location Name
Windsor III-IV